A Groundbreaking event is a traditional ceremony that commemorates the first day of construction for a new building or project. Its an opportunity for clients to their project or expand on it. These ceremonies are often attended by politicians, businessmen, and local partners.
The purpose of a Groundbreaking event is to create brand awareness, public relations, and spread exciting news around the community. We ensure that your brand and project is marketed effectively to not only create buzz within the community but also for your business. There are several ways to coordinate with your architect/construction team, but working with us will help ensure your Groundbreaking event is a success.
In addition to public relations, publicity, creating brand awareness, and hosting the event, we want to discuss all the options to create the Groundbreaking event you have envisioned. Would you like to learn more about our Groundbreaking event experience, schedule a free consultation by calling 415-980-3411.